We understand. Staying fit, healthy, and happy sometimes means enjoying more than one glass of red wine. Still, there are healthier ways to help avoid hangovers and wake up ready to get back on track.
are 13 scientifically-supported ways to help deal with that hangover —
or even prevent it from happening in the first place!
1. Go one for one. It’s no secret that drinking water
can help deflect a pounding AM headache. (Pretty much the opposite of a
good morning.) Tissues around the brain are mostly made of water, and dehydration will shrink these
tissues, creating pressure in the head. Alcohol can lead to
dehydration, so make sure to continuously drink water throughout the
night. Try matching each alcoholic drink with one glass of water to avoid any next-day pain.
2. Chow down. Even though beer provides calories, it doesn't qualify as a meal. Alcohol will absorb more quickly if consumed on an empty stomach, so try eating a filling meal with plenty of nutritious carbs before popping the cork. According to some studies, eating a lot of food may even protect one's blood alcohol level from rising.
3. Keep it light. Darker drinks like red wine or rum contain congeners (substances produced during fermentation), which may contribute to causing hangovers. Skip the whiskey in favor of vodka or a glass of white wine!
4. Stay classy. More expensive liquors contain fewer filler congeners— a cause for headaches. So pass on the good liquor and take it up a notch with some top-shelf booze.
5. Take a multivitamin. Drinking depletes nutrients like folate and vitamin B12 from the body. Try popping a multivitamin to replenish what’s lost from a night of drinking.
6. Skip the bubbles. Avoid champagne and other alcoholic drinks that have been blended with carbonated drinks. The bubbles may cause alcohol to be absorbed more quickly.
(Hence that New Year’s Day hangover.)
7. Down-dog. Scientists have yet to prove that a few sun salutations will whisk away a hangover, but breathing and meditation exercises in yoga can get oxygen flowing and blood pumping to help relieve stress. Namaste!
8. Grab some potassium. When dehydrated, we lose not only water but electrolytes, too. Gain ‘em back by snacking on potassium-rich foods like bananas or spinach.
9. Scramble eggs. Eggs contain taurine, which has been shown to reverse liver damage caused by a night of heavy boozing. Scramble them up with lots of veggies for added antioxidant power!
10. Sip ginger tea. Hangovers can sometimes come with a side of an upset stomach. To settle that tummy, brew a warm mug of ginger tea. Ginger has been shown to help combat nausea.
11. Refuel at the breakfast table. Blood sugar will drop after drinking alcohol, so in the morning, drink some orange juice to bring it back up.
12. Get some fresh air. Oxygen increases the rate that alcohol toxins are broken down, so bundle up and get outdoors. A little exercise never hurt anyone— and it may even release some endorphins to boost a post-hangover mood.
13. Play D.D. Unfortunately, skipping alcohol entirely is the only surefire approach to prevent a hangover[6]. Therefore, if you don't want to wake up with a headache, assign a sober driver for the evening (even if not actually driving).